Mind Matters Natural and Artificial Intelligence News and Analysis

CategoryPhilosophy of Mind

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AGI, the Halting Problem and the Human Mind

Pat Flynn continues the conversation with Dr. Winston Ewert
According to Ewert, Ray Kurzweil’s famed Singularity is not possible because AI cannot create an intelligence greater than itself. Read More ›
A team of surgeons performing brain surgery to remove a tumor.

Does Surgically Splitting the Brain Make One Person Into Two?

A prominent neurosurgeon writes of his “amazement” at discovering that the patient with a split brain is still a single individual
Unity of self after brain splitting is not surprising. Each of us is a physical creature with a single spiritual soul. It is immaterial and can’t be severed. Read More ›
Homo heidelbergensis is an extinct prehistoric man. He used more advanced tools than Homo erectus, such as hand axes and spears, and probably fire

A Catholic Priest Talks About Human Evolution

Fr. Martin Hilbert approaches the topic from the perspective of evidence, reason, and faith — and realism about what is at stake in the discussion
Fr. Hilbert shows that we have not found anything that justifies a Darwinian approach to life as somehow more compatible with science than a Christian one. Read More ›
Artificial intelligence and mind backdrop

The Human Mind’s Sophisticated Algorithm and Its Implications

Winston Ewert argues that if some human cognition is algorithmic, that fact does not necessarily support a purely naturalistic view of intelligence
Ewert also notes that recognizing human cognition as, in part, an algorithm raises deeper questions about the origin and sophistication of that algorithm. Read More ›
Experience the eerie charm of Battlefield House Museum at night in Hamilton

A Novelist Posts on the Paranormal

Accounting for experiences of the supernatural
Lin notes that scientists and online outlets like Wikipedia, entrenched in a materialistic perspective, tend to simply dismiss them. Read More ›
Determined Handsome Doctor Uses Digital Tablet Computer while Walking Through Hospital Hallway. Modern Bright Clinic with Professional Staff.

Joe McDonald: How AI Can Complement Human Capabilities

Despite its limitations, AI excels in areas where humans struggle, such as analyzing large datasets, identifying patterns, and automating repetitive tasks
Dr. McDonald emphasized that AI is best used as a tool to enhance human abilities, not replace them. Read More ›
Steine im See bei Sonnenuntergang

Beyond the Physical: Exploring the Nature of the Mind

A recent podcast panel challenged the prevailing materialist assumptions about the mind and explored better accounts of the richness of human consciousness
Minding the Brain, to which the panelists contributed, challenges skeptical readers to move beyond physicalism, which is not producing useful results. Read More ›
A beautiful sunrise in the mountains with grass and purple and orange tones A realistic photo in the style of high resolution

AI Specialist Explains Why AI Can’t Replicate Human Experience

A profound recent experience crystallized the difference for him between brain and machine
Alberto Chierici realized that a machine can analyze information about a sunrise but can never experience it as a moment of “quiet awe.” Read More ›
Person is looking for way out of psychedelic maze. A surreal labyrinth in magical forest. Human consciousness is at dead end, searching for solutions. Created with Generative AI

Scientists Wrestling With Human Consciousness Are In For the Win

Yet they can’t win because what they are doing amounts to a form of shadow boxing
If consciousness is immaterial, a scientific explanation must address and include that fact. The hard problem is impossible if that fact cannot be accepted. Read More ›
Land with dry and cracked ground. Desert,Global warming background

Daniel Dennett Made Atheism Easy to Understand

In the process, he somehow also made it less believable
Dennett may be best remembered for inadvertently helping to reduce the popularity of atheism Read More ›
Green grass and blue sky with white clouds

Is Science in Our Frame of Reality Inevitably Incomplete?

It’s becoming increasingly obvious that human consciousness isn’t a material phenomenon like any other; it has one foot in time and another in eternity
Efforts to jam both feet into time have gone nowhere and are likely to continue to do so. Read More ›
Person is looking for way out of psychedelic maze. A surreal labyrinth in magical forest. Human consciousness is at dead end, searching for solutions. Created with Generative AI

Consciousness Blurs the Line Between Philosophy and Science

In contrast to the New Age emphasis on self-realization as an end in itself, the theistic approach sees self-awareness as a gateway to understanding our dependence on the divine
This inward journey reveals how consciousness is not only about understanding ourselves but about understanding reality itself. Read More ›

In Machines We Trust

In an age of AI, who stands up for humans?

If you believe the media, AI has made both of us obsolete. We need to resign ourselves to an age of “thinking machines” in which human guidance and creativity are superfluous. This kind of thinking is false — and dangerous. AI will never become conscious. It will never truly be autonomous. It will always require human input and control. But if we treat AI as if it can be autonomous, we will open the door to the kind of manipulation and tyranny warned about by C.S. Lewis in his classic book The Abolition of Man. Unfortunately, there are few voices in the public square right now offering a sane assessment of both the capabilities and limits of AI. As a Read More ›

A human head with glowing neurons in the brain. Generative AI

What, Exactly, Does Your Brain Do? What Can’t It Do?

A surprising result of pioneering neurosurgery was the discovery that some mental processes could be stimulated in the brain but others could not be
Brain stimulation could cause movement or memories but no part of the brain, when stimulated, caused patients to think abstractly or exercise free will. Read More ›
Business concept for group of stacked paperclip with another one red plane paperclip is point to another direction as a team leadership

A Thought Experiment on the Mind, the Brain — and AI

In a crowded AI marketplace, a nerd confronts a philosopher on subject of the human mind
Question: If thoughts can only be copied — and copied badly — by AI, which is quite unlike the brain. then how can they be generated by the brain? Read More ›
Illustration of synapse and neuron on a blue background.

Brain Imaging Study Shows That Intelligence Uses the Whole Brain

A focus on specific regions like the prefrontal cortex can mislead. When we are thinking, we use brain-wide connections between many parts of the brain at once
It’s not that the textbooks are wrong; they are just not telling the whole story. Read More ›
prehistoric caveman standing by a fire inside a cave, holding a spear, wearing fur clothing, and gazing into the flames with intensity.

Neanderthals Used a “High Tech” Method for Making Glue

High tech for the times they lived in, that is. They had to figure out why the lower tech method got poor results and develop a more sophisticated one
Neanderthals cannot be the missing link that many paleontologists are looking for. But if the human mind has no history, there is no missing link. Read More ›
Prehistoric Stone Tools

At SciAm: When did human ancestors start using stone tools?

Setting aside the question of whether the various groups mentioned in the article are in fact our ancestors, stone tool use is not even confined to primates
It’s not stone tool use that is exclusive to humans; vultures can do that. It’s the ability to form abstract ideas — like the study of tool use among animals. Read More ›
Brain psychology mind soul and hope concept art, 3d illustration, surreal artwork, imagination painting, conceptual idea

Can the Soul Be Defined Out of Existence?

Berkeley cognitive linguist George Lakoff argues that the soul could not really amount to much without a physical brain
The physicalist wants to assert that the mind (soul) is simply what the brain does while escaping the contradictions that follow if we think about it seriously. Read More ›