Mind Matters Natural and Artificial Intelligence News and Analysis

CategoryArtificial general intelligence (AGI)

A peer review process illustrated through a meeting of experts discussing research papers, surrounded by laptops and notes

AI Peer Review Called “Inevitable” by Some, “Disaster” by Others

The whole debate raises a question: How much original thought goes into peer review anyway? And what purpose does it ultimately serve?
Meanwhile, 76 of AI scientists surveyed said fundamental limitations prevent current AI models from ever thinking like humans. Scientists’ jobs are not at risk. Read More ›
a red squirrel sits on a tree in the forest and eats a nut

How Fruit Flies, Bees, and Squirrels Beat Artificial Intelligence

AI researchers assume they are on the path to intelligence, yet intelligence itself remains a mystery and many animals do better than current AI
Real intelligence is embodied. It exists within a living system, interacting dynamically with an environment. AI, on the other hand, is an abstraction. Read More ›
Love relationship between a human and a robot. The connection of human feelings. Future attitud. female android ciborg robot artificial intelligence, robotization and automatization. Generative AI

Could Robots Be Programmed to Feel Ordinary Love?

The question is a bit more complex than we might at first think, as the British TV series Humans demonstrates
An AI could act out romantic love if software preprogrammed it that way, perhaps via online information. But that isn’t a relationship. There is only one side. Read More ›
Statistical illusion in TV game. Isometric illustration of undecided businessman on stairs with open doors. Modern landing page of making decision.

Intelligence Requires More Than Following Instructions

Post-training improves the accuracy and usefulness of LLMs but does not make them intelligent in any meaningful sense — as the Monty Hall problem shows
The danger is not that computers are smarter than us but that we think they are and thus trust them to make decisions they should not be trusted to make. Read More ›
Topological phases in quantum systems represent new states of matter with unique properties offering potential applications in quantum computing and material science Background Illustration, Bright

Does Everyone Think We Should Exaggerate Scientific Advances?

Many “breakthroughs” reported breathlessly in media are nowhere close to resulting in usable products or services
Companies, universities and almost everyone else hypes the latest advances while those who question the hype are told that they are the problem. Read More ›
generative ai overview for project managers fund invetment and data analysis.

AGI, the Halting Problem and the Human Mind

Pat Flynn continues the conversation with Dr. Winston Ewert
According to Ewert, Ray Kurzweil’s famed Singularity is not possible because AI cannot create an intelligence greater than itself. Read More ›