Mind Matters Natural and Artificial Intelligence News and Analysis

TagRobert Lawrence Kuhn

Galaxy. Elements of this image furnished by NASA.

Cosmologist Paul Davies: Does the soul have an afterlife?

Davies argues that we’re not at the center of the attention of a God who is specifically concerned with us and his existence has no implications for the soul
The doctrine of most religious traditions that the soul is not destroyed with the body is not presented as a comfort so much as a plain fact, with consequences. Read More ›
Brain psychology mind soul and hope concept art, 3d illustration, surreal artwork, imagination painting, conceptual idea

Can the Soul Be Defined Out of Existence?

Berkeley cognitive linguist George Lakoff argues that the soul could not really amount to much without a physical brain
The physicalist wants to assert that the mind (soul) is simply what the brain does while escaping the contradictions that follow if we think about it seriously. Read More ›
Brain mind way soul and hope concept art, illustration, surreal mystery artwork, imagination painting, conceptual idea of success

Soul Survives Death? ER Doc Sam Parnia Faces Skeptical Questions

In discussion with Closer to Truth host Robert Lawrence Kuhn, Parnia stuck to his clearly defined evidence, avoiding religious digressions
Confirmation of post-death consciousness during trauma might seem a little thing. But in science persistent little discrepancies are often the ones that matter. Read More ›
Digital brain connected to data center. Artificial intelligence concept. Based on Generative AI

When the Computer Tried Being a Mind, It Almost…

Philosopher Andy Clark offered to explain the popular computational theory of mind to Robert Lawrence Kuhn — but then a gap appeared
The weakness of mind-as-computer theories is that the steps by which a computer motors through a problem involve nothing that would generate mental states. Read More ›
The cosmic dance of galaxies in a mesmerizing wildlife astrophotograph

Nobel Prize Physicist Thinks Consciousness Must Underlie Universe

Brian Josephson, after whom the Josephson effect in electronics is named, hopes to find the answer to the conundrum of consciousness in biology
As Kuhn marvels, Josephson reasons his way to precisely the sorts of conclusions generally accepted in major world religions. Read More ›
Emergency Department: Doctors, Nurses and Surgeons Move Seriously Injured Patient Lying on a Stretcher Through Hospital Corridors. Medical Staff in a Hurry Move Patient into Operating Theater.

The Mind Is Not Annihilated at Death, Emergency Room Doctor Says

ER specialist Sam Parnia is making waves with his challenge, based on his clinical experience and research, to the claim that the human mind is annihilated at death
Parnia says he is not religious. Rather, his views are the outcome of clinical experience in a field where doctors have literally never gone before. Read More ›
Colorful wooden puzzle brain model. Neurodiversity concept, human mind complexity. Creativity, brainstorming and emotional intelligence.

Neuroscientist: The Mind Is Just the Brain

He cites studies using transcranial magnetic stimulation, which caused subjects to see flashing lights
The fatal flaw in identity theory, as his view is called, is that there is no point of contact between the laws of logic and those of electrochemistry. Read More ›
man standing in front of various paths, needing to make a decision to move forward in life. Generative Ai.

Philosopher: Why Brain Science Does Not Eliminate Free Will

Tim Bayne looks at what we can logically deduce from the famous Libet experiments
The logical argument for free will coincides with recent neuroscience research findings. Read More ›
Person is looking for way out of psychedelic maze. A surreal labyrinth in magical forest. Human consciousness is at dead end, searching for solutions. Created with Generative AI

From a Philosopher: Philosophy of Consciousness Is “Bizarre”

Eric Schwitzgebel admits to his host at Closer to Truth that “every single view in the history of the philosophy of mind is bizarre”…
He blames our “folk intuitions” for the problem. Some thinkers would say that the problem arises from seeking a materialist solution to an immaterial reality. Read More ›
Create yourself concept. Good looking young man drawing a picture, sketch of himself

Neuroscientist: The “I” of Consciousness Cannot Be Explained Away

Skeptical philosopher David Hume tried it and, Raymond Tallis says, things collapsed almost immediately
To suppose that unthinking processes can somehow produce a thinking entity as an illusion is a sheer act of faith — faith in materialism but faith nonetheless. Read More ›
Mysterious arch of clouds over water, portal to heaven

Can an Atheist Believe in Life After Death?

An atheist philosopher makes the case at Closer to Truth
There is much evidence to suggest that the human mind is immaterial and immateriality is one of the characteristics of things that do not die. Read More ›
The concept of the infinite universe and its mysteries through abstract forms

Is There Any Evidence That Our Universe Is One of Many?

Philosopher Nancey Murphy recently confessed that she had to adjust her thinking based on the idea that multiverse theory “had progressed.” But has it?
There is plenty of evidence for the fine-tuning of the only universe we know. But, physicist Rob Sheldon says, there is still no evidence for a multiverse. Read More ›
Physics or mathematical equations on a universe decorative LED background give the impression of interstellar space travel.

Fine-Tuning of Universe Makes a Top Neuroscientist “Very Hopeful”

Allen Institute’s Christof Koch talks about the assumptions underlying his consciousness theory — which led many other neuroscientists to try to Cancel him
When one of the world’s most prominent research neuroscientists goes off the classic materialist script — and gets away with it — things are changing. Read More ›
mindful nature

Consciousness Observes Different Laws From Physics

At Closer to Truth, British philosopher and pastor Keith Ward provides an example to host Robert Lawrence Kuhn
Only in the intellectual world are concepts like correct vs. incorrect (or right vs. wrong) meaningful. It’s a different world from the one created by physics. Read More ›
Abstract image of the brain in which synapses are represented as glowing lines symbolizing learning

Neuroscientist: How the Brain-as-Computer Myth Led Science Astray

Michael Merzenich explains neuroplasticity — how the brain organizes itself in detail — to Robert Lawrence Kuhn at Closer to Truth
The Dalai Lama asked Merzenich a question that cut to the heart of the question of the relationship between our brains and ourselves. Read More ›
Astronomy and science concept. Elements of this image furnished by NASA, Mathematical and physical formulas against the backdrop of a galaxy in the universe, Space background, AI Generated

Do New Findings Make Fine-Tuning of the Universe Harder to Deny?

To judge from this episode of Closer to Truth, cosmologists like Alan Guth are finding it harder than ever to rule out intelligent design of the universe
Guth tries explaining away fine-tuning via inflation and string theory but admits that fine-tuning is a “valid explanation” and “our only sensible explanation.” Read More ›
Physics or mathematical equations on a universe decorative LED background give the impression of interstellar space travel.

A Physicist Tries to Avoid the Fact of Design in Our Universe…

Physicist Alexander Vilenkin of Tufts University argues, against apparent fine-tuning, that our universe’s cosmological constant should have a special value like zero, but doesn’t

In his discussion with Robert Lawrence Kuhn at Closer to Truth, Tufts physicist and cosmologist Alexander Vilenkin addresses the question, “Is the Universe Fine-Tuned for Life and Mind?”: If the deep laws of the universe had been ever so slightly different human beings wouldn’t, and couldn’t, exist. All explanations of this exquisite fine-tuning, obvious and not-so-obvious, have problems or complexities. Natural or supernatural, that is the question. Vilenkin — who is also a professor of evolutionary science — concedes the main point: Alexander Vilenkin: [0:40] Well yeah that’s right. It appears that the Universe is fine-tuned in the sense that there are about 30 constants of nature which take some specific value: if you look at these numbers, they look Read More ›

Physics or mathematical equations on a universe decorative LED background give the impression of interstellar space travel.

Does Mathematics Belong to an Eternal Realm?

Whether Platonism is the only possible approach or not, positions like anti-realism seem like an effort to evade the reality of immaterial things. Read More ›
african american man looking at window

Philosopher Explains How We Can Know That Consciousness Is Real

Although it doesn’t emerge in this interview, Strawson is a panpsychist; thus he can maintain a materialist position and still argue that consciousness is real. Read More ›
synapses connected
Neurons cells concept

A Game Developer Looks at Human Consciousness

Gino Yu tries to explain the Asian approach to consciousness to Robert Lawrence Kuhn at Closer to Truth

A few years back, Robert Lawrence Kuhn interviewed game developer Gino Yu at Closer to Truth on the topic, “What is Consciousness?” Consciousness is what we can know best and explain least. It is the inner subjective experience of what it feels like to see red or smell garlic or hear Beethoven. (Jan 18, 2016, 8:34 min) The interview raises some interesting issues. Yu is the founding head of the Multimedia Innovation Center at Hong Kong Polytechnic University: “His main area of research focuses on the application of media technologies to cultivate creativity and promote enlightened consciousness.” (Closer to Truth) So how does he understand consciousness? Selections from the transcript and some notes follow: Robert Lawrence Kuhn: you know I’ve Read More ›