Mind Matters Natural and Artificial Intelligence News and Analysis

Tagfreya india

A Smartphone on Wooden Table. Close Up. Top Down View. 3D Render.

How I Turned My Smartphone Into a “Dumbphone”

I've had it being a pawn of Big Tech

The New Yorker ran a column last month on the extreme fatigue people are feeling from being online so much. Jonathan Haidt’s new book The Anxious Generation maps out the mental health ramifications of screen addiction, noting how the advent of the smartphone was conjoined with “safety-ism,” with parents refusing to let their kids play or take risks out of fear of them getting hurt. I’m an older member of Gen Z and was fortunate enough to be spared a smartphone until I was 17. (I was a rare bird. Most of my friends got smartphones when they were 14 or 15. Today the average is shockingly lower than that.) My case wasn’t, therefore, as serious as a lot of Read More ›

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Beyond Social Media’s Impact on Mental Health

Social media addiction can harm more than our moods

A young writer, herself a member of Gen Z, has dared to point out the obvious about social media. Sure, it’s verifiably making us sad and anxious, but it goes beyond that: it’s turning us into bad people. Freya India, a columnist at Quillette and a new contributor to Jonathan Haidt’s Substack After Babel, notes that while it’s important to talk about social media and mental health, it’s just as vital to talk about what this stuff is doing to our character. She writes, Our loss of empathy, our lack of regard for others, our neurotic obsession with our own image — it’s taking a toll. Maybe subconsciously. But I think deep down we know it. We know when people are using Read More ›