Mind Matters Natural and Artificial Intelligence News and Analysis

TagBen Horowitz

LLM, AI Large Language Model concept. Businessman use tablet and laptop with LLM icons. A language model distinguished by its general-purpose language generation capability. Chat AI.

The Promise of Artificial General Intelligence is Evaporating

Revenue from corporate adoption of AI continues to disappoint and, so far, pales in comparison to the revenue that sustained the dot-com bubble — until it didn’t
Recognition is growing that fundamental challenges make LLMs unreliable. Increasingly expensive scaling will likely hasten the popping of the AI bubble. Read More ›
Business Leadership Attributes and Features in Literature

What Does Super-Investor Peter Thiel Think You Should Read?

Some books to consider include history as well as business strategy. The two cannot be separated

Peter Thiel, whose name is practically synonymous with successful high-tech investing, will be speaking at COSM 2021. He has also offered some thoughts on books worth reading: Here are three of them, courtesy Kevin Rooke: ➤ The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers by Ben Horowitz (Harper Business 2014): From Thiel: “Every management guide presumes that all great companies follow a formula. But successful startups don’t imitate; they build innovations that can’t be copied. Ben Horowitz knows no recipe guarantees success. He has written the first true guide for protecting a startup from self-sabotage.” ➤ Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin by Timothy Snyder (Basic Books, 2010) From Thiel: “He tells how Read More ›