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TagTerry Scambray

female player plays poker and takes chips to raise the bet

Proof of Darwinism Lies in a Book That Was Never Written…

Terry Scambray looks at Robert Shedinger’s Darwin’s Bluff, which tells the tale of the proof that Darwin was always “going to” provide
As Scambray observes, in the end, Darwin did not really need to provide clinching evidence. Intellectuals already *believed in* evolution and that was enough. Read More ›
A digital collage with a spotlight shining down on a cityscape at night. The dynamic composition captures the energy and excitement of urban life

The Genius of Paul Johnson: Remembering a Peerless Historian

Johnson offered penetrating critiques of the personalities, currents of thought, and events that shaped life today
Johnson’s writing often resembles a highwire performance in exactness and anticipation. In the largest sense, he believed history has a destination, a telos. Read More ›