Mind Matters Natural and Artificial Intelligence News and Analysis

TagSamuel Wilberforce (1805–1873)

female player plays poker and takes chips to raise the bet

Proof of Darwinism Lies in a Book That Was Never Written…

Terry Scambray looks at Robert Shedinger’s Darwin’s Bluff, which tells the tale of the proof that Darwin was always “going to” provide
As Scambray observes, in the end, Darwin did not really need to provide clinching evidence. Intellectuals already *believed in* evolution and that was enough. Read More ›
The combination of playing cards

Darwin’s Bold Bluff: He Never Demonstrated His Evolution Theory

He often promised he would demonstrate it. But, as Robert Shedinger shows, when he didn’t, his supporters decided to just act like he had
Their strategy worked quite well because, by gentleman’s agreement, everyone closed ranks and no one asked hard questions — until quite recently… Read More ›