Mind Matters Natural and Artificial Intelligence News and Analysis


Woman fist with woke written. Woke concept refers to awareness of social and racial justice, concern, vigilance, activism.

A Catholic and a Hindu Tackle Woke culture

In a wide-ranging discussion, Michael Egnor and Arjuna Gallagher look at Woke culture, abortion, euthanasia, and microaggressions

In a recent series of Mind Matters News, podcasts, neurosurgeon Michael Egnor interviewed Arjuna Gallagher, a Hindu who lives in New Zealand. The first podcast looked at what the world’s 1.2 billion Hindus generally think about the mind and the second explored the Hindu view of free will and evil. The third podcast addressed the question, “What do Hindus think about the Big Bang?” Now, the fourth and final podcast asks, what do Hindus think of current science and culture issues, especially the flowering of Woke Cancel Culture, abortion, and euthanasia? Gallagher hosts a YouTube channel called Theology Unleashed, which has featured many guests discussing the spiritual dimension of our lives — for example, philosopher David Bentley Hart and neuroscientist Read More ›

Hindu Goddess Statue Against The Wall

Hinduism and Social Ethics

What does Hinduism teach about social ethics issues? Is there a consensus among most Hindus, or are there a variety of viewpoints? Dr. Michael Egnor and his guest, Arjuna Gallagher address current issues such as cancel culture, abortion, euthanasia, and suicide. Show Notes 00:10 | Introducing Arjuna Gallagher 00:52 | Cancel Culture 02:29 | Hinduism, Abortion, and Euthanasia 17:14 | Read More ›