Mind Matters Natural and Artificial Intelligence News and Analysis

TagMark Davis

Smart robotic farmers concept, robot farmers, Agriculture technology, Farm automation.

Computer Prof: Handing Off Risky Operations to AI Would Be Stupid

When everything went wrong in Space Odyssey 2001, the cause was faulty programming, not the computer deciding to take over, he says.
When everything went wrong in Space Odyssey 2001, the cause was faulty programming, not the computer deciding to take over, he says. Read More ›
Chatbot assistant, Ai Artificial Intelligence

Computer ‘Creativity’ Is Simply Digital Plagiarism

One outcome is many lawsuits against generative AI companies whose programs snatch and use copyrighted material
As radio host Mark Davis put it recently, “ultimately everything AI does is go in search of something that some human being said or wrote sometime.” Read More ›
Machine learning reaction and ai artificial intelligence.Chat bot software network.big data and block chain system.Neuralink with smart brain.generative art images

AI’s Boundaries and Human Creativity: A Conversation with Dr. Robert J. Marks

In this recent radio interview, prefaced by a brief introduction from Discovery Institute representative Dr. Tom Winkler, host Mark Davis speaks with Dr. Robert Marks, a professor of electrical and computer engineering at Baylor University and director of the Discovery Institute’s Walter Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence. Marks discusses his book Non-Computable You: What You Do That Artificial Intelligence Read More ›