Mind Matters Natural and Artificial Intelligence News and Analysis

TagAustralia and internet censorship

The Spread of Misinformation on Social Media, Examining the role of social media in the dissemination of false information and its consequences on society

Why Laws Against “Misinformation” Just Can’t Work

Australia has had to back down from fining social media companies for users' alleged misinformation
Government experts may not be better informed than non-government ones. Banning alternative information multiplies the effect of government misinformation. Read More ›
The word ban on wooden cubes with internet www icon background. Internet ban and censorship concept.

Musk vs Australia: Down Under Is Down One For Now

A federal court has refused to extend the demand that Musk’s X platform remove videos showing the stabbing attack on Rev. Mar Mari Emmanuel
The story highlights once again, the way X (Twitter) is one of the few important social media to resist government censorship. Read More ›