Mind Matters Natural and Artificial Intelligence News and Analysis

TagRichard Owen

female player plays poker and takes chips to raise the bet

Proof of Darwinism Lies in a Book That Was Never Written…

Terry Scambray looks at Robert Shedinger’s Darwin’s Bluff, which tells the tale of the proof that Darwin was always “going to” provide
As Scambray observes, in the end, Darwin did not really need to provide clinching evidence. Intellectuals already *believed in* evolution and that was enough. Read More ›
Western lowland gorilla, Gorilla gorilla

How Not To Debate Materialists

This is the story of how a gifted scientist lost a debate with a Darwinist — a debate he should have won

Although ape brains do differ somewhat from human brains in cortical anatomy, it is the similarity between the brains of apes and men, rather than the differences, that provide striking evidence of human exceptionalism.

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