Mental health: Psychotherapy and Drugs Help Different Brain Areas
Camilla Nord reports that psychotherapy changed aspects of the brain’s prefrontal cortex whereas medications affected the amygdalaWhether to treat mental health issues with psychotherapy or drugs has sometimes led to pitting one against the other. For example, as Cambridge neuroscientist Camilla Nord has noted, in a report that no longer seems to be online, the British Psychological Society’s Division of Clinical Psychology stated in 2016 that “There is no firm evidence that mental distress is primarily caused by biochemical imbalances, genes, or something going wrong in the brain …” Rather, the Society cited childhood trauma, abuse, and poverty as causes, to be remedied by political and social change. Other studies (here is a systematic review) found the same thing. Nord responds that mental disorders are brain disorders. However, she does not resort to simplistic claims that Read More ›