Mind Matters Natural and Artificial Intelligence News and Analysis

TagLarge Language Models (creativity issue)

Vintage woodworking tools on the workbench

AI and the Destructive Lies of the Tool Trope

You've heard this, right? “Technology isn’t good or bad; it’s a tool, it’s just how you use it that matters.” False.
Because LLM AIs never understand a single word, image, video, or line of code, they can’t know whether anything they say is right, true, or good. Read More ›
Hand touching digital chatbot for provide access to information and data in online network, robot application and global connection, AI, Artificial intelligence, innovation and technology.

What Chatbots Have Achieved, and What They Haven’t — and Can’t

Chatbots (LLMs) succeeded where the older expert systems I used to work on failed but that does not mean that they are creative
An LLM generating a connection new to us, is not acting creatively. It is throwing stuff at the wall and seeing what we let stick. Read More ›