Mind Matters Natural and Artificial Intelligence News and Analysis

TagJohn Catsimatidis

A young man with a pistol gun is standing in front of a high school preparing to go inside and commit a horrible violent mass murder shooting.

Why AI Could (But May Not) Predict School Shootings

There is no solution that is not run through natural intelligence, computer science prof Robert J. Marks explains

In recent weeks, WBC director Robert J. Marks has done a number of interviews for his new book, Non-Computable You: What You Do That Artificial Intelligence Never Will (Discovery Institute Press, 2022). At The Cat’s Roundtable, he was asked by host John Catsimatidis about the hype around AI and whether AI could, for example, predict school shootings. https://mindmatters.ai/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/09/Mind-Matters-205-Robert-J-Marks.mp3 Robert J. Marks: It’ll continue doing great and exciting things, but there’s a lot of hype associated with it. People think, “Well, is the Terminator going to come alive? Are we ever going to face a scenario like we see in The Matrix?” And the answer is, “No. There are certain brick walls, which artificial intelligence will never go through,” and we Read More ›


School Shooters, the AI Church, and Patents

Walter Bradley Center Director and Mind Matters podcast host Robert J. Marks discusses artificial intelligence and predicting school shootings with John Catsimatidis on The Cats Roundtable. He talks about religions based on artificial intelligence and artificial general intelligence with David Krieger on The Power Hour. Finally, he examines the idea of issuing patents to AI with Pastor Greg Young on Read More ›