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TagDonald Trump and WHO

young african scientist looking through a microscope in the laboratory about the vaccine she is working on.

Trump Withdraws from the World Health Organization

In recent years, the organization has been using its clout to impose woke cultural agendas on the world.

This article is reprinted from National Review with the permission of the author. President Trump has withdrawn the United States from the World Health Organization (WHO) because of its Covid failings, allegations of being soft on China, and the disproportionate share of funding borne by the United States. There is even more wrong in how WHO leaders have wielded their influence. In recent years, the organization has not just been about promoting public-health internationally, but also in using its clout to impose woke cultural agendas on the world — including areas that have traditional moral values — and in seeking to construct an international technocracy. Item: WHO sought to force a radical abortion regime on the world by allowing abortion through the Read More ›