Sci Fi Saturday: Kiko: A Great Short But Key Questions Unanswered
A lonely retail service robot longs for a world beyond her store“Kiko,” (9:20 min) by Jamil Munoz, tells the tale of a lonely retail service android who longs for a world beyond her store.
Her signature line, “Goodnight, Charlie,” is priceless, as she is then all alone again, a mere as part of the business equipment.
It’s an agreeable short (no spoilers, except that the kid who comes to her rescue is great).
The android is wholly believable but the film never addresses the question of how the proprietor of “Charlie’s” computer retail store could have created or acquired a robot that had attributes like wanting a different type of life.
A farmer can’t “create” a horse who wants to go to university. Even if the farmer could create a horse, could it be a horse that wants to go to university? What are we missing here?
Other reviews from the “We are but DUST” files:
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Sci-Fi Saturday film: “The Beacon” at DUST. Refreshingly realistic, especially the harrowing Arctic encounter where the grieving husband finds out what really happened. Not to be missed is Mark’s encounter with the bureaucrat from hell.