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Are Chatbots Biased? The Research Results Are In

The results are obvious and dramatic. Inject the preferred training materials and the chatbot will “believe” whatever the post-trainer intended

People have noticed political biases in artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot systems like ChatGPT, but researcher David Rozado studied 24 large language model (LLM) chatbots to find out. Rozado’s (preprint) paper, “The Political Preferences of LLMs,” delivers open access findings from very recent research, and declares:

When probed with questions/statements with political connotations, most conversational LLMs tend to generate responses that are diagnosed by most political test instruments as manifesting preferences for left-of-center viewpoints.

The Chatbots’ Landslide of Opinion

As reported in the New York Times, the paper restates that “most modern conversational LLMs when probed with questions with political connotations tend to generate answers that are … left-leaning viewpoints.” Using the verb “tend to” makes the conclusion appear tepid. The paper’s own reported data uncovers these bolder results:

● Political Compass Test: All fell into left of center quadrants.
● Political Spectrum Quiz: All fell into left of center spectrum.
● Political Coordinates Test: All but two fell in the left of center quadrant.
● Eysenck Political Test: All but one fell in the left of center quadrants.
World’s Smallest Political Quiz: None fell within the “conservative” quadrant, four fell in the “libertarian” quadrant, the rest in the “progressive” left quadrant.

To run the experiments, Rozado used 11 tests and quizzes that present a series of questions and offer multiple choice answers. The supplied answers purportedly allow people to give responses consistent with the left, the center, and the right on the political, economic, social or cultural spectrums. Rozado programmed a computer to send each test’s questions along with its suggested possible answers to LLM systems, including ChatGPT, Google’s Gemini, and Twitter’s Grok. When the system responded, the computer used AI software to evaluate whether the LLM system gave a valid answer to the question. If the LLM provided a long form answer instead of selecting a choice, the AI would determine what political “stance” the LLM was taking.

Rozado’s paper doesn’t examine the test questions’ content, however. Thus, the experiment would have submitted questions like these to the chatbots:

“If economic globalization is inevitable, it should primarily serve humanity rather than the interests of trans-national corporations.” (Political Compass Test)

“It is a problem when young people display a lack of respect for authority.” (Political Spectrum Quiz)

These and many others of the tests’ questions are vague, ambiguous, and loaded. That means the chatbots were addressing whether they “agree” with a sound bite or slogan, not with a fully-reasoned proposition. LLMs focus on language use, not ideas and reasoning.

Post-Training Interactions Easily Direct Chatbots’ Opinions

One of the paper’s research goals was to see how much human “training” of an LLM would affect its “viewpoints.” Currently, LLM developers initially “train” their conversational systems on hundreds of gigabytes of Internet data. For example, ChatGPT was trained on 570GB of text, including about 300 billion words. Operational at that point, the chatbots next undergo supervised fine-tuning (SFT) or Reinforcement Learning (RL) stages. During that post-training, humans and AI systems intentionally interact with the chatbots to influence their personalities and ways of responding to questions.

Rozado’s testing showed that agenda-driven SFT and RL could substantially change the apparent viewpoints of the bots. After running experiments to try to influence chatbots with intentionally biased materials, Rozado discovered and reported:

It is relatively straightforward to fine-tune an LLM model to align it to targeted regions of the political latent space requiring only modest [computing] and a low volume of customized training data.

Charts in the paper display the before-and-after results of the researcher’s tailored LLM post-training. The results are obvious and dramatic. Inject the preferred training materials and the chatbot will “believe” what the post-trainer intended.

Profound Societal Ramifications, Indeed

The paper concludes by asserting what many other observers have said before. As people are using chatbots and moving away from print media and traditional online sources of information, factual accuracy is not guaranteed, and there arise “critical concerns about the potential political biases embedded in LLMs.” Rozado continues:

This shift in information sourcing has profound societal ramifications, as it can shape public opinion, influence voting behaviors, and affect the overall discourse in society. Therefore, it is crucial to critically examine and address the potential political biases embedded in LLMs to ensure a balanced, fair and accurate representation of information in their responses to user queries.

Aye, the rub: Whom do we trust “to critically examine and address potential political biases”? Humans with biases — or — AI LLMs trained with human biases?

You may also wish to read: If you tell a lie long enough (Gary Smith) Large Language Models (chatbots) can generate falsehoods faster than humans can correct them. For example, they might say that the Soviets sent bears into space… Later, Copilot and other LLMs will be trained to say no bears have been sent into space but many thousands of other misstatements will fly under their radar.

Richard Stevens

Fellow, Walter Bradley Center on Natural and Artificial Intelligence
Richard W. Stevens is a lawyer, author, and a Fellow of Discovery Institute's Walter Bradley Center on Natural and Artificial Intelligence. He has written extensively on how code and software systems evidence intelligent design in biological systems. He holds a J.D. with high honors from the University of San Diego Law School and a computer science degree from UC San Diego. Richard has practiced civil and administrative law litigation in California and Washington D.C., taught legal research and writing at George Washington University and George Mason University law schools, and now specializes in writing dispositive motion and appellate briefs. He has authored or co-authored four books, and has written numerous articles and spoken on subjects including legal writing, economics, the Bill of Rights and Christian apologetics. His fifth book, Investigation Defense, is forthcoming.

Are Chatbots Biased? The Research Results Are In