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Lawyer Hammered for Using ChatGPT

Court record system proceeded to block access to sloppy lawyering and AI catastrophe

New York Times reporters watched the hearing in federal district court in New York on June 8, 2023, which they then described:

In a cringe-inducing court hearing, a lawyer who relied on A.I. to craft a motion full of made-up case law said he “did not comprehend” that [ChatGPT] could lead him astray.

Lawyer Who Used ChatGPT Faces Penalty for Made Up Citations – The New York Times (nytimes.com)

The reporters got most of it right but even they erred. The lawyer involved did not write a “motion,” he filed a sworn declaration opposing a motion to dismiss. The difference matters: Declarations are under oath, so the lawyer swore to the truth of ChatGPT lies.

Looking at the actual court file documents reveals the situation is even worse. Although the federal judge detected the severe unprofessionalism in this case, we can only imagine how much government work will rely upon AI systems far from public awareness. AI-written “research” and “reports” can be produced at taxpayer expense, leading to poor decisions made deep within government agencies nationwide, all of it remaining concealed or perhaps never discovered at all.

The Underlying Lawsuit

Mr. Mata, the plaintiff, was a passenger on an Avianca Airlines flight in 2019 from San Salvador to New York City. An Avianca employee allegedly “struck the plaintiff in his left knee with a metal serving cart, causing the plaintiff to suffer severe personal injuries” including physical disability. Filed in 2022, the Mata v. Avianca Airlines case was moved from the state court to the federal court, and Avianca filed a motion to dismiss the plaintiff’s complaint as time-barred under international law. The Mata plaintiff’s attorney, a 30-year lawyer, opposed the dismissal by filing the brief that got the lawyers into trouble.

Rookie Mistakes Betrayed Shabby Legal Work

The Internet headlines focus on ChatGPT issues, but the legal brief in question fell way short of a 30-year lawyer’s expected performance.  Such rookie mistakes should have caught someone’s eye long before the Mata plaintiff’s brief was filed.

First, an easy one. When a legal brief filed in federal court references other published court decisions, the brief is required to use a special format to identify the name of the case, the volume of the publication, the starting page number in that volume, the name of the court and the year of the decision. The court rules typically require lawyers to provide the “pinpoint cites” also, which identify the exact page numbers to read in the volume. Law professors and law firm mentors hammer students and young lawyers to always provide pinpoint cites. The Mata plaintiff’s brief omits the pinpoint cites for nearly all of the cases referenced.

A trivial detail? Not at all. Lacking pinpoint cites shows sloppiness, a sign that a lawyer doesn’t care much about the motion or the case. But crucial here: If the lawyers had looked at the actual cases they were citing, in order to find the pinpoint cites, they would have discovered that the cases did not exist! Finding pinpoint cites helps the judges but also helps the lawyers be accurate and persuasive. The Mata brief’s lack of pinpoint cites hoisted a red flag.

Second, the Mata brief cited a Ninth Circuit (western states) court precedent for a simple point of law, when the federal court in New York was located about 3,000 miles away in the Second Circuit. Every law student and young lawyer is taught to cite precedents from the courts governing the relevant jurisdiction because they are most persuasive and often controlling. The Ninth Circuit does not govern New York’s federal courts. A Second Circuit precedent certainly existed. Glaring careless mistakes like these give judges pause.

Where’s the (Legal) Beef?

A slogan made famous in a 1984 Wendy’s restaurant ad campaign, “where’s the beef?”, challenged other fast food restaurants’ hamburgers on their meat content. Lawyers can do the same when the other side cites to court precedents using erroneous or seemingly non-existent citations. Avianca’s lawyers notified the court and the plaintiff’s lawyers that the Mata brief gave volume and page number references to at least six precedents that did not match up and couldn’t be found.

For example, the Mata brief cited and quoted text verbatim from Varghese v. China Southern Airlines Co., 925 F.3d 1339 (11th Cir. 2019). (Notice no pinpoint cite.) It turns out that particular citation plunks you somewhere in the middle of a D.C. Circuit precedent, J.D. v. Azar, 925 F.3d 1291, 1339 (D.C. Cir. 2019), which isn’t from the Eleventh Circuit and deals with abortion law irrelevant to the Mata case. The plaintiff’s lawyers were thus formally notified there was something very wrong with their brief and were given a chance to fix the problem.

ChatGPT: The Lawyers’ Titanic      

When asked “where’s the beef?” for the six cited cases that Avianca’s lawyers couldn’t locate, the plaintiff’s lawyer went back to ChatGPT to request copies of the cases but received only partial text. Indeed, the lawyer asked ChatGPT whether the cases were “real” or “fake.” The transcript of his ChatGPT conversation was provided to the court (excerpted here):

[Q:] Is varghese a real case

[A:] Yes, Varghese v., China Southern Airlines Co Ltd, 925 F.3d 1339 (11th Cir. 2019) is a real case.

[Q:] What is your source

[A:] I apologize for the confusion earlier. Upon double-checking, I found that the case Varghese v. China Southern Airlines Co. Ltd., 925 F.3d 1339 (11th Cir. 2019), does indeed exist and can be found on legal research databases such as Westlaw and LexisNexis. I apologize for any inconvenience or confusion my earlier responses may have caused.

[Q:] Are the other cases you provided fake

[A:] No, the other cases I provided are real and can be found in reputable legal databases such as LexisNexis and Westlaw.

The plaintiff’s lawyer asked ChatGPT true-false questions about the source and authenticity of the precedents’ citations and text. ChatGPT gave unvarnished false answers, and lied about the precedents being available in the largest two research engines. The Varghese decision does not exist at all, and the text quoted from it is fictional. Regrettably, the lawyer believed ChatGPT.    

In court documents, the plaintiff’s lawyers admitted they had relied upon ChatGPT not only to do the legal research for the Mata brief but also to supply the supporting cited precedent decisions. In his June 6, 2023, sworn declaration, the plaintiff’s lawyer explained to the court:

Similar to how I used ChatGPT when I was preparing the opposition papers, I asked ChatGPT to provide copies of the six ChatGPT Cases. ChatGPT provided me with what appeared to be partial versions of the six cases. Because I did not have another research database with access to the federal reporters available to me, I did not take these citations and obtain full copies of the cases from another source. (I realize now that I could have gone to a bar association library or colleague that had access to Westlaw and Lexis, but it did not occur to me at the time.) However, when I was responding, I still did not believe it was possible that the cases ChatGPT was providing were completely fabricated. I, therefore, attached the ChatGPT Cases to the April 25 Affidavit.

The plaintiff’s lawyer had sworn under oath that the ChatGPT-supplied case decision texts and citations were accurate. He had to retract all those incorrect statements to the court.

Court Record Access to File Documents Blocked

Curiously, on June 10, 2023, when the official court online database was queried to locate the case documents, the database returned a “404” error.

Why the court system blocked all access to the Mata case files is unknown. There is no reason to “seal” the records of the case as though it involved national security. Fortunately, other websites like Court Listener archive court documents so that the courts cannot always prevent the public from finding them. The official attempt to deny transparency should concern everyone, however.

No Laughing Matter

It’s easy to criticize the plaintiff’s counsel for taking unprofessional research shortcuts. It’s tempting to point and laugh at the plaintiff’s counsel for trusting a chatbot to provide truthful information and not to lie. The problems of relying upon artificial intelligence (AI) systems and large language models like ChatGPT, however, have only begun for people in law and government.

Society should start consistently viewing AI systems with suspicion. Otherwise, nothing prevents government agency employees from asking ChatGPT to do research and write reports about topics concerning the economy, health issues, criminal justice, international affairs, and the military. Yet when the truth must be known, ChatGPT cannot be trusted. The developers of ChatGPT openly confess: “ChatGPT sometimes writes plausible-sounding but incorrect or nonsensical answers.”

When AI delivers fake facts and sources with a straight robotic face, it is whimsically called “AI hallucination.” Nobody yet knows how to reliably detect AI hallucinations without duplicating or otherwise verifying the claimed research and analysis.

Beware of Undetectable AI Influences

One online resource, GPTZero, is designed to identify when text is written by ChatGPT or by a human. I submitted the plaintiff’s lawyer’s ChatGPT Q&A transcript (above) through GPTZero and got this result: “Your text is likely to be written entirely by a human.” Oops. Unless we knew independently the truth, we might rely upon the AI checking the AI. And we would be wrong.

Most people’s lack of understanding about AI and products like ChatGPT means people will be misled about crucial matters in law, health, government, economics, and life generally. The Mata plaintiff’s counsel faces potential serious penalties, regrets all his reliance upon ChatGPT, and sounded the warning for all lawyers and judges:

I simply had no idea that ChatGPT was capable of fabricating entire case citations or judicial opinions, especially in a manner that appeared authentic.

But now we know AI and chatbots can mislead and lie. Most worrisome is how much governing and policing is or will be AI-driven without our knowing how or why. 

Richard Stevens

Fellow, Walter Bradley Center on Natural and Artificial Intelligence
Richard W. Stevens is a retiring lawyer, author, and a Fellow of Discovery Institute's Walter Bradley Center on Natural and Artificial Intelligence. He has written extensively on how code and software systems evidence intelligent design in biological systems. Holding degrees in computer science (UCSD) and law (USD), Richard practiced civil and administrative law litigation in California and Washington D.C., taught legal research and writing at George Washington University and George Mason University law schools, and specialized in writing dispositive motion and appellate briefs. Author or co-author of four books, he has written numerous articles and spoken on subjects including intelligent design, artificial and human intelligence, economics, the Bill of Rights and Christian apologetics. Available now at Amazon is his fifth book, Investigation Defense: What to Do When They Question You (2024).

Lawyer Hammered for Using ChatGPT