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Lost in Space, A Mind Matters TV Series Review

I was skeptical at first, based on Netflix's track record, but was pleasantly surprised

If I could rewind time a week and add a piece of 2019 sci-fi to my list of the year’s Best and Worst Sci-Fi TV… I totally would. Unfortunately, Season 2 of Netflix’s Lost in Space reboot came out the day before I wrote my year-end survey review. It wasn’t until I had returned from the holidays that I had the time to take it in.

Netflix decided to take a chance at rebooting and updating the classic sci-fi TV show (1965–1968) and the not-so-great 1998 movie). I was skeptical when Season 1 premiered because Netflix does not have a great track record for producing long-lasting fan favorites in recent years. So I was naturally curious to see how they would ruin this one.

To my surprise, Netflix produced a watchable Season 1. Somewhat grudgingly, I began to look forward to Season 2. For the first time in what seemed like a while, I was eager to see a Netflix original. By that time I pretty much had a list of what to expect from a show with the little “N” nestled in the thumbnail corner: unnecessary nudity, lack-luster story, boring characters, and all the creativity of a roadside rock.


Lost in Space has definitely been one of the exceptions. I can picture the conversation around the writers’ table:

Writer: “Hey, I know this is a crazy idea. But let’s write a show that doesn’t try to be edgy and boring just to promote a political narrative. Or, if that’s too much, let’s not serve up content just for the sake of having content!”

Netflix exec: “Whoa there, that is crazy talk.”

Writer: “Exactly!”

Netflix exec: “You make a good point, let’s try it just this once.”

Lost in Space is like a breath of fresh air. It’s a show made for families but it remains deeply intriguing for a broad public. It’s filled with the mystery, action, and adventure the Robinson family encounters while stranded in space.

The basic plot driver is the end of life on Earth as we know it. After Earth’s slow and irreversible death is determined by scientists to be inevitable, those who pass extensive and grueling tests can qualify to join a ship (the Resolute) venturing toward Alpha Centauri to begin new lives on a new earth. Despite some sketchy buyouts, the whole Robinson family passes their tests and decides to fly to Alpha Centauri together.

The show chronicles their adventures after an inadvertent meeting with an AI alien life form, “Robot,” who becomes one of the key characters throughout subsequent seasons. Season 1 ended in a cliffhanger: Where did Robot came from? Was he created by an advanced race? What did he want from the colonists? Where was he leading the Robinsons? So many questions left unanswered at the end of Season 1.

Season 2 moves further into the mystery while shedding light on a few mysteries from Season 1. It left me in a whirlwind of questions and anticipation that reminded me of my reaction to Season 4 of The Expanse. I wanted to know more about this AI life form. Was this really AI or was it an alien life that merely looks like a robot? What mysteries will the AI reveal about the universe to the Robinsons?

Needless to say, I will be watching Season 3. If you’re into space adventures I absolutely recommend Lost in Space. This may be the only chance you get to get hooked into a Netflix show for a long while so don’t pass it up.

Rating: 8/10

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Adam Nieri

Adam Nieri has interests in philosophy of science and philosophy of mind and he holds an MA in Science and Religion from Biola University. He has background in social media and marketing, photography/graphic design, IT, and teaching.

Lost in Space, A Mind Matters TV Series Review