COVID: It’s Becoming Safe To Openly Admit the Facts
The days of “fact-checking,” aimed at getting everyone vaxxed, appear to be over. Just look at the significant recent admissions…Amid a flurry of other recent upsets to the Established Order of Things, it’s becoming respectable, even responsible, to talk about what really happened during the COVID pandemic. Here are three items worth noting:
● Back in 2021, the hypothesis that the COVID virus originated in a leak from a lab in Wuhan, China (lab leak theory), was denounced in elite traditional media: “New York Times health reporter: Wuhan lab leak coronavirus theory has ‘racist roots,’ isn’t ‘plausible’”

Saturday, the same elite medium informed us that “C.I.A. Now Favors Lab Leak Theory to Explain Covid’s Origins”: “A new analysis that began under the Biden administration is released by the C.I.A.’s new director, John Ratcliffe, who wants the agency to get ‘off the sidelines’ in the debate”:
There is no new intelligence behind the agency’s shift, officials said. Rather it is based on the same evidence it has been chewing over for months.
The analysis, however, is based in part on a closer look at the conditions in the high security labs in Wuhan province before the pandemic outbreak, according to people familiar with the agency’s work. Julian E. Barnes
It rather sounds as though policy change now allows the matter to be discussed openly.
At his X account, Michael Shellenberger offers some observations:
“A Chinese source trusted by the FBI told the agency in early 2020 that the first person infected worked in the Wuhan lab.”
The CIA analysis “was completed and published internally before Ratcliffe’s arrival.”
That means that the Biden administration illegally withheld the truth from the public.
Had Trump not been elected, we likely would never have known this.
The origin of the virus is significant. If the origin had really been bats, pangolins, or wet markets — as establishment figures clearly hoped — there would be no important political implications. But a number of countries, including the United States, had links to the Wuhan lab.
Vaccine injuries
● Other significant realities are beginning to be more openly discussed as well, particularly the vaccine injuries. Canadian scientists writing in The Journal of the American Medical Association have provided an overview of the problem, “Long-Term Prognosis of Patients With Myocarditis.”
Myocarditis, pericarditis, and myopericarditis are inflammatory heart conditions recognized as adverse events linked to COVID-19 mRNA vaccines,1-4 but their population-level clinical outcomes remain underdocumented.
Underdocumented indeed! We heard little of these things from official sources in the days when governments were stampeding the populace toward the vaccines and side effects were minimized:
Here’s the Abstract:
Myocarditis, pericarditis, and myopericarditis are inflammatory heart conditions recognized as adverse events linked to COVID-19 mRNA vaccines,1-4 but their population-level clinical outcomes remain underdocumented. Semenzato and colleagues5 provided valuable insights by comparing different myocarditis etiologies; the exclusion of pericarditis is notable. Accurate identification of myocarditis is crucial for both diagnosis and management. Case definitions from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Brighton Collaboration offer structured criteria, especially for vaccine-related cases.1,3 In the study by Semenzato and colleagues, myocarditis occurring within 7 days of vaccination was classified as postvaccine myocarditis, while myocarditis occurring within 30 days of SARS-CoV-2 infection was labeled post–COVID-19 myocarditis.5 In contrast, the Brighton Collaboration’s definitions, widely used in Canada for evaluating myocarditis and pericarditis after vaccination, include graduated levels of diagnostic certainty (definite, probable, possible) and consider events occurring within 6 weeks of vaccination as likely vaccine-associated.1 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports onset of myocarditis symptoms ranging from 0 to 40 days after vaccination.3 while data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, one of the largest global systems for tracking vaccine-associated adverse events, suggest onset of myocarditis and pericarditis can extend beyond 120 days after vaccination.4 The study’s 7-day window may underestimate vaccine-associated myocarditis.
Yang C, Tebbutt SJ. Long-Term Prognosis of Patients With Myocarditis. JAMA. 2025 Jan 27. doi: 10.1001/jama.2024.25763. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39869327. (The paper requires a subscription.)
Hard questions are respectable again

● One other outcome, of course, is that serious questions about what happened and who is to blame have now become respectable. Neal Pollack writes at The Spectator,
The nomination of Bhattacharya, a Stanford professor, to head the NIH is a massive political victory for the minority of Americans who’ve spent the last four years opposing the bizarre and draconian public-health policies that stemmed from the Covid-19 pandemic. It’s an epic comeback story. The nominations of Bhattacharya for NIH and Dr. Marty Makary, another Covid contrarian, to head the US Food and Drug Administration, herald an extraordinary change in American public health policy. Yet Bhattacharya and Makary are just the tip of the spear. Behind them is a phalanx of thousands of ordinary citizens — scientists, researchers, parents and just regular folks who smelled a rat — who risked their careers, reputations and personal lives both online and off to fight an extraordinary injustice. They are in a good mood today.
“The Covid cabinet” December 26, 2024
It’s a good thing there are thousands of them. The road ahead, assessing and addressing the damage and preventing a recurrence, will be long, hard and fraught with obstacles.
You may also wish to read: Why did the New York Times discredit the lab leak theory? The Times led the way in zealously discrediting the quite reasonable COVID-19 lab leak theory. But what underlay its zeal? (Mind Matters News, for one, took it seriously.)