Mind Matters Natural and Artificial Intelligence News and Analysis

Robert Larmer

Capture the realism of a breathtaking sunrise, casting its warm glow over a majestic mountain landscape.

Is Methodological Naturalism Necessary for Scientific Progress?

In this episode, hosts Angus Menuge and Robert J. Marks conclude their three-part discussion with Dr. Robert Larmer about his chapter on methodological naturalism in the recent volume Minding the Brain. The trio argue that methodological naturalism is not the only viable approach in scientific inquiry and that it can be an obstruction to discovering the truth. They suggest that explanations Read More ›

a man with his head in the air surrounded by lightning and trees in the background, with a green light coming from his head, concept art, naturalism

Consciousness and Agency: A Critique of Methodological Naturalism

In this episode, host Angus Menuge continues a discussion with Dr. Robert Larmer about his chapter on methodological naturalism in the recent volume Minding the Brain. In this segment of the conversation, Menuge and Larmer examine the justifications for methodological naturalism and critique some of the common arguments. They discuss the claim that non-natural causes are unknowable by scientific inquiry and Read More ›

AI Brain Chip loop. Artificial Intelligence rationality human quantum metrology mind circuit board. Neuronal network random access memory smart computer processor endorphins

Methodological Naturalism: Neutral Principle or Self-Refuting Philosophy?

In this episode, hosts Robert J. Marks and Angus Menuge interview Dr. Robert Larmer about his chapter on methodological naturalism in the recently published volume Minding the Brain. Larmer explains that methodological naturalism is the assumption that when pursuing knowledge, one must always posit a physical cause and never appeal to a non-physical cause. Larmer argues that methodological naturalism is not Read More ›