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Exercising Free Won’t in Fentanyl Addiction: Unless You Die First


In the 1960s, neurosurgeon Benjamin Libet noticed there was a signal in the brain
that occurred before you knew you were going to do something. On the surface, it looks like you don’t have free will. But Libet noticed that humans do have the ability to say no to these brain signals. He called this free won’t. Dr. Robert J. Marks and Dr. Richard Hurley discuss the current opioid crisis, addiction, and detoxing in relation to the brain.

Show Notes

  • 02:48 | Introducing Dr. Richard Hurley
  • 03:04 | What Does It Mean to be Board Certified?
  • 06:09 | Why Are Opioids so Addictive?
  • 09:07 | The Horrors of Detox
  • 14:30 | Has There Been Pushback by the Medical Community?
  • 21:32 | Issues with Fake Pills
  • 24:27 | Advice for the Addicted

Additional Resources

Exercising Free Won’t in Fentanyl Addiction: Unless You Die First