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TagKent Marks

a Scout Reserve Team at Jungle Camp, Boy Scout America

An Antidote for Digital Addiction

With the advent of social media, rates of teenage depression, suicides, and body image problems have skyrocketed. These are symptoms of digital addiction. How can we combat digital addiction and promote digital wellness especially in youth? Kent Marks talks about his departure from Boy Scouts and his transition to Trail Life USA, which seeks to offer an antidote to digital Read More ›

Backside of asian boy scout group line up and prepare for boy scout camp activities.

Medicine for Digitally Addicted Boys 

The Boy Scouts of America used to enjoy a booming membership. But after some significant policy changes and a giant lawsuit, the organization is rapidly declining.  In this episode, Robert Marks speaks with former Boy Scout leader Kent Marks on his experience in the organization and the enduring need to help boys navigate life in the digital age. Additional Resources